Announcing PCSP 2024!
“Creation & Flourishing: Living the Christian Life”
This year’s Philadelphia Catholic Scholars Program at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary will take the form of a four-part seminar. Gatherings will include time for fellowship and discussion, and they will be held on four Sunday evenings this spring: April 21, May 5, May 19, and June 2, 2024. Participants will be studying “Creation & Flourishing,” exploring both the supports and challenges to living the Christian life in our age.
Young men are invited to join us on the beautiful campus of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, where we will pray together, form friendships, and discuss big ideas, all as a community of Catholic men seeking deeper knowledge of Christ.
We invite young Catholic men to ask and engage the most important questions of our faith, in community with other Catholics and under the intellectual guidance of professors from the seminary and local Catholic universities. Participants will grow deeper in faith by probing the Catholic intellectual tradition, wrestling with the great questions that have fortified the hearts and minds of Catholic men and women for centuries. We will put into practice the Catholic notion of fides quarens intellectum — faith seeking understanding.
Learn more about this year’s theme and program here and apply here!
Join us in Spring 2024 for this one-of-a-kind Seminar!
Philadelphia’s first high school summer program educating young men in Catholic thought and culture...
The Philadelphia Catholic Scholars Program is a residential, college-accredited summer program, offering young men in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia a robust introduction to the great intellectual and spiritual heritage of the Church.
In discussion-based seminars, led by seminary and university professors, participants will study the great texts that have formed our cultural and intellectual inheritance – all in pursuit of emerging as well-formed Catholic men with a rich and integrated understanding of Catholic thought and life.
Combining rigorous study with a robust participation in the prayer life of the Church – as well as weekend cultural excursions to Philadelphia – the PCSP brings young Catholic men into conversation with the riches of the Catholic tradition, inviting them to come to understand and live their faith more profoundly.
“Do not be conformed
to this world, but
be transformed by the
renewing of your mind.”